How Long do Вестиеs Live?

Вест Хигхланд теријер потиче из Полталлоха у Шкотској и узгајали су се на почетку 1700-их.
How Long do Вестиеs Live?

The average lifespan for most dogs is 10-13 years; therefore, Вестиеs live a long life as on average they live for around 12 to 16 years and most live for around 13.4 years. Male Вестиеs live longer than female Вестиеs as their lifespan is 13.8 years whilst female Вестиеs live for 12.9 years. To ensure that your Вестие lives its longest life, it is vital that you choose a licensed and reputable breeder. You can find a variety of registered breeders and this will mean that you have a quality breed. When asking, how long do Вестиеs live, taking care of every area of the Вестие’s life, will increase the longevity of their life. Below are ways to give your Вестие the longest and healthiest life.

Giving Your Вестие The Healthiest Life

Животна средина

Where you are living, have you thought about how this will impact their lives and asked, how long do Вестиеs live? The environment that you live in will have an impact on the quality of life of your Вестие. Life in the country is the best life that you can give them as there is plenty of open space, it is a natural living environment and the air is clear. Вестиеs enjoy plenty of time outside. Вестиеs can live in apartments yet the apartment should have plenty of open space and they still need at least two to three walks per day. If you do choose for your Вестие to live in your apartment then you will need to ensure that there is a calm atmosphere in the entirety of the building. Your Вестие will also need to be well trained from when they first move into your apartment and this will need to be a priority so that they can live happily.

Хранљива исхрана

To ensure that a Вестиеs can live their longest life, provide them with a consistent and healthy routine. Вестиеs need a nutritious diet that should consist of 23% protein, fruit, and vegetables. Their stomachs can be sensitive so duck and venison should be given to Вестиеs as the main part of their diet. Вестиеs can eat chicken but due to their sensitive stomachs, you need to know how they respond to this being in their diet. Steak, beef, and lamb can also be incorporated into their diet and this will improve the strength of their bones. It is essential that meat is cooked properly so that they have a strong stomach. The amount that your dog can eat will vary. Male Вестиеs tend to be heavier at 10.1 kg as female Вестиеs are 9.0 kg on average. There is lots of guidance about the amount and what your Вестие needs to eat.

Редовно вежбање

Вестиеs need between two to three walks a day and they need between 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day. If you live in an apartment then a Вестие may not get all of the exercise that they need indoors; therefore you may want to opt for the highest amount of exercise for a Вестие. If you live in a house, this will provide the Вестие with lots of room and by having a garden they will be able to get exercise throughout the day. Living in a house means that they do get exercise but having plenty of walks is still requisite for Вестиеs.

Рутина за негу

Вестиеs need to get used to being groomed from when they are puppies so this should be put into their routine from early on. One of the daily parts of the grooming routine is brushing the Вестие regularly. Lots of different brushes are available to ensure that they have the strongest coats. Additionally, there are four main parts to the routine for grooming Вестиеs.

The first part of the routine includes stripping the dog hair and removing a bit of the dog hair per day will make the task easier. It is essential that time is put aside for grooming your Вестие as their skin is very sensitive. Stripping a Вестие’s coat, this only needs to be done one to two times a year. The second part of the grooming process is trimming the Вестие’s heads and their heads need to be trimmed every three to four months. Keeping the hair around the Вестие’s eyes, nose, and mouth to a minimum means that it is better for drinking, eating, and vision. The third part of grooming your Вестие is clipping their nails. Take time aside so that your Вестие feels comfortable and they should be clipped about every six weeks.

Завршни део рутине огњења се купа. Вестиес имају тенденцију да буду прилично чисти пси, па их треба окупати око сваке четири недеље. Када окупате своје Вестие, потребан им је сапун, међутим, то треба задржати на минимум. Такође требају бити осушени пешкир тако да се њихови капути чувају у најбољем стању.

Одлазак у ветеринаре

Вестиес треба да се одведе у ветерине годишње. Годишњи прегледи ће осигурати да они примају све што им је потребно од окружења у којем живе, количина вежбе коју примају чувају их здраво и њихова исхрана пружа им храњиве материје и мозак и мозак. правилно се негују. Поред осигурања да је њихов цео животни стил здрав, ветеринари ће такође моћи да провери да ли не постоји ништа друго што би могло да ризикује ваше вестие. Када питате, колико дуго живе Вестиес, пружајући годишње посете прслуцима значи да ће њихов живот живети у највећој мери.

Повећање вековни вековни век

Омогућавањем Вестиес-а са најбољом исхраном, количина вежбања која им је потребна и рутина за негу видећете да ваш Вестие живи заиста срећан живот. Провести време са породицом треба да буде од суштинског значаја за ваше Вестие, јер ће то ово допринијети побољшању њиховог расположења и испунити све своје друштвене потребе. Бити око других паса такође ће бити позитивно за њих и помоћи да повећају дужину свог живота.

Оно што је најважније, када питате, колико дуго живе Вестиес, обраћајући пажњу на појединачне потребе вашег Вестие, осигураће да живе најдужи и најсрећнији живот. Са просечним животом века од 13,4 године, али високо животни век до 16 година, пружајући ваше вестие са свему што их здравим значи да ће они да живе до 16 година.

Често Постављана Питања

Да ли западни мужјаци живе дуже од западне жене?
Да, истина је, њихов животни век је 13,8 година, док је женка живи 12,9 година. Али део животног века вашег кућног љубимца такође ће зависити од репутације вашег узгајивача кућног љубимца.

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